Exploring Writing:Sentences and Paragraphs 3-e (ISE)當紅
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內容簡介: ?Exploring Personalized Learning Plan
Exploring Writing emphasizes personalized learning. Powered by Connect Writing, Students gain access to our groundbreaking personalized learning plan, which helps students become aware of what they already know and what they need to practice. A self-study too, its cutting- edge, continually adaptive technology and exclusive time management features make students more productive, keep them on track, and give them the writing skills needed for all their college courses.
?Exploring Personal, Academic, and Workplace Writing
Throughout Sentences and Paragraphs, students are exposed to examples of writing that reflect the three key realms of their lives--- personal, academic, and workplace….
博客來書店?Exploring and Mastering the Four Bases: Unity, Support, Coherence, Sentence Skills.
Exploring Writing emphasizes writing skills and process. By referring to a set of four skills for effective Writing, Exploring Writing encourages new writers to see writing as a skill that can be learned and a process that must be explored.
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Exploring Writing:Sentences and Paragraphs 3-e (ISE)當紅 好書推薦 博客來網路書店
- 新功能介紹 作者: John Langan
- 出版社:東華 新功能介紹
- 出版日期:2014/01/28
- 語言:英文
Exploring Writing:Sentences and Paragraphs 3-e (ISE)當紅 評比 博客來網路書局
Exploring Writing:Sentences and Paragraphs 3-e (ISE)當紅
Exploring Writing:Sentences and Paragraphs 3-e (ISE)當紅推薦,Exploring Writing:Sentences and Paragraphs 3-e (ISE)當紅討論,Exploring Writing:Sentences and Paragraphs 3-e (ISE)當紅比較評比,Exploring Writing:Sentences and Paragraphs 3-e (ISE)當紅開箱文,Exploring Writing:Sentences and Paragraphs 3-e (ISE)當紅部落客
Exploring Writing:Sentences and Paragraphs 3-e (ISE)當紅那裡買,Exploring Writing:Sentences and Paragraphs 3-e (ISE)當紅價格,Exploring Writing:Sentences and Paragraphs 3-e (ISE)當紅特賣會,Exploring Writing:Sentences and Paragraphs 3-e (ISE)當紅評比,Exploring Writing:Sentences and Paragraphs 3-e (ISE)當紅部落客 推薦
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