Reading Master (3) with MP3 CD-1片省錢買東西

Reading Master (3) with MP3 CD-1片省錢買東西,總而言之它的評價很高真的不錯

自從同事Amy買了後,這幾天看了許多評價等相關文章後 ,給小雅看她也說這售價真的蠻合理的。

推薦大家一本考試用書Reading Master (3) with MP3 CD-1片省錢買東西全書的內容大意

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Reading Master (3) with MP3 CD-1片省錢買東西 開箱文 博客來網路書店

內容簡介: The Reading Master series consists of twelve units and four review units.

Key Features博客來網路書局
?Up-to-day themes and topics presented in an attractive and engaging fashion
?Integrated reading texts with follow-up exercises to drive everything home
?A central grammar focus for each unit
?Vocabulary-related exercises
?Fun and informative cultural notes and hands-on examples of idiomatic English

Each main unit includes the following components:
?READING TEXTS? These texts are the focal point of every unit around which the rest of the components are based. They include examples of the grammar points that will be taught plus related language and themes.
博客來網路書店 ?POST-READING EXERCISES? Reading Overview, Reading Comprehension and Multiple Matching sections test all aspects of your understanding of the texts.
?VOCABULARY? Find the Word, Key Word, Phrasal Verbs and Vocabulary Helper sections are all geared toward enhancing your vocabulary and building on the reading through a variety of exercises.
?GRAMMAR? This main teaching point will build on and explain examples that can be found in the reading texts.
?THINKING CAP? A series of follow-up questions that call on students to expand on their understanding of the texts. To assist with the reading and writing process, a crucial tips section is included.
?CULTURAL NOTES? These fun tidbits spotlight interesting and quirky issues related to the reading texts.

?Student Book
博客來書店 ?Audio CD
?Teacher's Manual
博客來 ?Test Bank
?Presentation Tool

Reading Master (3) with MP3 CD-1片省錢買東西 好書推薦 博客來網路書店

  • 出版社:東華    新功能介紹
  • 出版日期:2014/01/24
  • 語言:英文

Reading Master (3) with MP3 CD-1片省錢買東西 評比 博客來網路書局

Reading Master (3) with MP3 CD-1片省錢買東西

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Reading Master (3) with MP3 CD-1片省錢買東西


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